Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. Let us praise to the almighty Allah SWT, because of his blessing, we are able to attend this English Speech Contest.Secondly, may peace be upon the Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness into the brightness and I would like to say thanks to the judges and MC who has given me opportunity to deliver an English speech in front of you all.
Ladies and gentlemen,My name is __________. I would like to deliver my speech entitled : “The Forgotten Scientist”. Wright brothers may be known as the first man to fly. But more than 1000 years before, Abbas ibn Firnas had found a way to fly. Do you know Abbas Ibn Firnas? Abbas Ibn Firnas was born in Ronda Spain but lived in the Emirate of Cordoba which was one of the major centers of learning on the Muslim world. He was a polymath: an inventor, engineer, aviator, physician, Arabic poet, and Andalusian musician. Abbas Ibn Firnas liked to observing the nature around him, he noticed how incredible greatness of God who flew the birds in the air. It took Ibn Firnas into the realm of aeronautics.
In 875, Abbas ibn Firnas constructed a pair of wings out of silk and wood and had sewn actual feathers. From the Jabal Al-‘Arus he jumped the cliff off. He would glide for a considerable period of time. Many witnesses said it felt like 10 minutes far longer than the first flight of the Wright Brothers that can fly just in 12 seconds. The history has records Abbas ibn Firnas as the world’s first ever flight tests of control. His construction can change the direction of flight. He success to return to the direction in which he started. Even so, he had a little suffered injuries during the landing. Ibn Firnas had proved that solid objects can float in the air. He was able to make the body resisting the gravity. This theory and practices then further developed into todays modern airlines.
Ladies and gentlemen,Based on the history, we know that in the past muslims are the pioneer in practice. The greeks only had idea but they did not prove it in practice. Therefore, there is no innovation and invention. Muslims have known civilization long before Europeans and Americans know it. If you read the history of Andalusia, you will discover how the grandeur of the city, the beauty of the building, modernity society, the development science. On the other hand, you will also find the Europeans still immersed in darkness. Read the history, how the Queen Isabella really want to see the city of Granada before they conquered to danger her life. Why? Because of high civilization of the muslims.
Dear Muslim Generation,When the westerns teach their children about the story of the Wright Brothers first flight, the Islamic parents should introduce their children with the story of Ibn Firnas flight, Al-farabi with his philosophy, Al-khawarizmi as the discoverer of Aljabar, and the other forgotten scientists.
As written in surah Ali-Imran verse 140 “…and the time (the glory and the destruction) that we turns between humans (so they got a lesson)…”That’s all my speech. Hopefully, it will be usefull for us. Thank you very much for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.
Sekian dari saya, Semoga sukses pidatonya~
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